Search via MLSnumber
Datafiniti's property data can be used to verify or enrich data that you have for existing properties. If you have an MLS number of a property but want more specific data about it, you can use Datafiniti to find out and analyze the property more.
MLS Searching
We recommend users combine their MLS number search with a province search for sometimes historical MLS data can be found that matches other MLSs in another state.
Search using the MLS number
Since all properties have an MLS number you can search via our mlsNumber field.
Here is an example of how to do that.
"query": "mlsNumber:09073511 AND province:IL",
This will pull the 1 record attached to this MLS number and specify the search to the state of Illinios.
Using multiple MLS numbers
You can use OR operators in your query to search multiple MLS numbers at a time.
"query": "mlsNumber:(09073511 OR 09505465) AND province:IL",
Adding more parameter to you MLS search
You can always add any field search from our property schema.
"query": "country:US AND people.title:owner AND prices.amountMin:>=500000 AND brokers.agent:* AND province:IL AND mlsNumber:(09073511 OR 09505465)",
This query targets US and Illinois properties above or equal to 500000$. Along with must having a broker's agent and owner data.
Price & Integer Fields
please note your field's data type when inputting your value in the search query. price will not accept commas (,) in the value.
Address normalization
Datafiniti uses our own street name normalization. Converting
, etc, you can learn more about our address normalization here: Normalized Property Addresses
Example Records
Here are example bulk download files of our previous query:
Updated 4 months ago