Business Data Schema
The business data schema below lists all available fields in a business record. Note that actual business records (actually, most of them) may not have every field present.
Field Name | Example Value (in JSON) | Description |
address | "address": "3382 30th St" | The physical street address for this business location. Field type: text |
categories | "categories": [ "Seafood Restaurant", "Fish & Seafood Retail", "restaurant" "thing" ] | A list of category keywords used for this business across multiple sources. Field type: text |
city | "city": "San Diego" | The city of this business location. Field type: text |
claimed | "claimed": [ "", "" ] | A list of websites where the business location has been claimed by the business' owner. Field type: keyword |
country | "country": "US" | The two-letter country code for the business location's country. Field type: text |
cuisines | "cuisines": [ "Seafood Restaurants", "Sandwich Shop", "Seafood, Vegetarian / Vegan, Mediterranean" ] | A list of cuisines offered by this business location. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations. Field type: text |
dateAdded | "dateAdded": "2016-03-24T09:27:02Z" | The date this business was first added to the business database. Field type: date |
dateUpdated | "dateUpdated": "2017-03-20T20:45:49Z" | The most recent date this business was updated or seen by our system. Field type: date |
descriptions | "descriptions": [ { "dateSeen": "2016-06-18T01:17:41Z", "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "Sizable made-to-order sandwiches, including lobster rolls, meatball Parmesan heroes and a variety of vegetarian options, are served at this East Coast–style sandwich shop nestled in the heart of North Park." } ] | A list of descriptions for this business from various sources. Each description contains: Field type: nested dateSeen : The date when this description has been seen for this business.Field type: date sourceURLs : A list of source URLs where this specific description was seen.Field type: keyword value : A unique description for this business.Field type: text |
domains | "domains": [ "", "", "" ] | A list of each unique domain found in the sourceURLs field.Field type: domain |
emails | "emails": [ "" ] | A list of emails belonging to the business. Field type: text |
facebookPageURL | "facebookPageURL": "" | A URL pointing to the Facebook page for the business. Field type: text |
faxes | "faxes": [ "3135619486" ] | A list of fax numbers for the business. Field type: text |
features | "features": [ { "key": "attire", "value": [ "Casual Dress" ] }, { "key": "parking", "replace": "true", "value": [ "Street Parking", "Valet" ] } ] | A list of features associated with this business location. The feature list can be collected from specific feature sections available on listings for this business. It can also serve as a catch-all field for miscellaneous characteristics of this business that don't make sense to include as top-level fields. Field type: nested Each feature contains: key : A label for this feature.Field type: text replace : Flag indicating value field is replaced versus appended.Field type: boolean value : A list of possible values for this feature.Field type: text |
geoLocation | "geoLocation": "POINT (-119.5094 37.229366)" | A location value that stores the latitude and longitude in a format that allows geospatial querying. Field type: geo_shape The value is stored as Well-Known Text format, which resembles an (x, y) value, i.e. (longitude latitude). |
hours | "hours": [ { "day": "Mon - Fri", "dept": "Sales", "hour": "11:00 am - 9:00 pm" }, { "day": "Sat - Sun", "meal": "Brunch", "hour": "11:00 am - 10:00 pm" }, ] | The hours of operation for this business location. Field type: nested Each hour object may contain: day : The day(s) for this hour of operation.Field type: text dept : The department or business unit related to this hour of operation.Field type: text meal : The mealtime associated with these hours. Typically reserved for restaurant locations.Field type: text hour : The hours of operation.Field type: text |
imageURLs | "imageURLs": [ "", "", ] | A list of image URLs associated with this business. Field type: text |
isClosed | "isClosed": "false" | A true or false value for whether or not the business location is closed.Field type: boolean |
keys | "keys": [ "us/ca/sandiego/338230thst/2075732923" ] | A list of internal Datafiniti identifiers for this business. The keys field is used to merge raw data from individual sources into the master Datafiniti record. Learn how this worksField type: keyword |
languagesSpoken | "languagesSpoken: [ "English", "Spanish" ] | A list of the languages spoken at this business. Field type: text |
latitude | "latitude": "32.740654" | The latitude coordinates for this business location. Field type: text |
longitude | "longitude": "-117.129482" | The longitude coordinates for this business location. Field type: text |
menuPageURL | "menuPageURL": "" | A URL pointing to the menu for the business. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations. Field type: keyword |
menus | "menus": [ { "amountMin": 12, "amountMax": 12, "category": "sample menu", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": "2017-03-22T01:03:56Z", "name": "Fish Carpaccio", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] }, { "amountMin": 7, "amountMax": 7, "category": "sample menu", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2017-03-22T01:03:56Z" ], "description": "A dense bread pudding recipe served cold with butterscotch sauce", "name": "Seasonal Pumpkin Bread Pudding", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] } ] | A list of menu items offered by the business. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations. Field type: nested Each menu item may include: amountMin : The minimum price value of the item.Field type: float amountMax : The maximum price value of the item. This is typically the same as amountMin, except in cases where a price range is listed.Field type: float category : The menu section this item belongs to.Field type: text currency : The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.Field type: keyword dateSeen : The date when this item was seen.Field type: date description : A description for the item.Field type: text name : The item's name on the menu.Field type: text sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this item was seen.Field type: keyword |
name | "name": "Pete's Seafood & Sandwich" | The business location's name. Field type: text |
neighborhoods | "neighborhoods": [ "North Park, Western San Diego", "North Park" ] | A list of neighborhoods where this business is located. Sometimes an area can belong to multiple neighborhoods, which is why this field is a list. Field type: text |
numEmployeesMin | "numEmployeesMin": "5" | The lower bound on the number of people possibly employed by this business. Field type: integer |
numEmployeesMax | "numEmployeesMax": "10" | The upper bound on the number of people employed by this business. Field type: integer |
numRoom | "numRoom": 10 | The number of rooms available at this business. This field typically shows for hotels or other similar businesses. Field type: integer |
paymentTypes | "paymentTypes":[ "American Express", "Mastercard", "Visa" ] | A list of payment options accepted by the business. Field type: text |
people | "people": [ { "dateSeen": "2014-08-22T03:48:23Z", "name": "Cody Jones", "title": "Owner" }, { "dateSeen": [ "2014-08-22T03:48:23Z" ], "name": "Chaseee Ewing", "title": "Head Chef" } ] | A list of known people associated with or employed by this business. Field type: nested Each person may contain: dateSeen : The date when this person was last seen.Field type: date email : The person's email.Field type: text name : The person's name.Field type: text title : The person's title.Field type: text |
phones | "phones": [ "6192558940", "6195734102" ] | A list of phone numbers for the business. Field type: keyword |
postalCode | "postalCode": "92014" | The postal or zip code of the business' location. Field type: keyword |
priceRangeCurrency | "priceRangeCurrency": "USD" | The currency associated with the price range fields. Field type: keyword |
priceRangeMin | "priceRangeMin": 25 | The lower bound of the business' price range. This field is typically used for retail businesses. Field type: float |
priceRangeMax | "priceRangeMax": 40 | The upper bound of the business' price range. This field is typically used for retail businesses. Field type: float |
primaryCategories | "primaryCategories": [ "Retail" ] | A list of standardized categories to which this business belongs. Category values can be found here. Field type: text |
productsOrServices | "productsOrServices": [ "Food", "Catering" ] | A list of products or services offered by this business. Field type: text |
province | "province": "CA" | The province or state for this business location. Field type: text |
revenueCurrency | "revenueCurrency": "USD" | The currency associated with the revenue fields. Field type: keyword |
revenueMin | "revenueMin": 30000 | The minimum known value of the business' annual revenue. Field type: integer |
revenueMax | "revenueMax": 100000 | The maximum known value of the business' annual revenue. Field type: integer |
reviews | `"reviews": [ { "date": "2016-02-27T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": "2016-05-17T00:00:00Z", "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "best fried ipswich clams in san diego! large portions- not just the 6-8 clams you get at other local eateries. great service! i will be back!", "username": "Colleen Alarcon" }, { "date": "2016-02-15T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-17T00:00:00Z", "2016-05-13T00:00:00Z", ], "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "the lobster roll is simply amazing!!!", "username": "P. Chunyi Hsu" } ]` | A list of reviews for this business location. Field type: nested Review objects may contain: date : The date the review was posted.Field type: date dateSeen : The date when the review was seen by Datafiniti.Field type: date doRecommend : A true/false for whether or not the reviewer recommends the product.Field type: boolean id : The website ID associated with this review.Field type: keyword rating : A 1 to 5 star value for the review.Field type: double sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this review was seen.Field type: keyword text : The full (or available) text of the review.Field type: text title : The review's title.Field type: text userCity : The reviewer's city.Field type: text username : The reviewer's username.Field type: text userProvince : The reviewer's province or state.Field type: text |
rooms | "rooms": [ { "amountMin": 90, "amountMax": 90, "capacity": 3, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-04T00:00:00Z" ], "roomType": "Standard Room" }, { "amountMin": 119, "amountMax": 119, "capacity": 4, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-04T00:00:00Z" ], "roomType": "Superior Room" } ] | A list of room types available at the business' location. This field is typically associated with hotels and other similar businesses. Field type: nested Room objects may contain: amountMin : The minimum price value listed for the room.Field type: text _ amountMax : The maximum price value listed.Field type: text capacity : The maximum number of people that can occupy this room.Field type: text currency : The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.Field type: text dateSeen : A list of dates when this room was seen.Field type: text roomType : A classification for the type of room.Field type: text |
sic | "sic": "5610" | The SIC code for the business. Learn more about SIC codes. Field type: text |
sourceURLs | "sourceURLs": [ "", "", "", ] | A list of URLs used to generate data for this business location. Field type: keyword |
twitter | "twitter": "sdpark2park" | The twitter username for the business. Field type: text |
websites | "websites": [ "", "" ] | A list of websites for the business. Field type: keyword |
yearIncorporated | "yearIncorporated": 2004 | The year the business was incorporated. Field type: integer |
yearOpened | "yearOpened": 2005 | The year the business opened. Field type: integer |
Updated almost 2 years ago