Business Data Schema

The business data schema below lists all available fields in a business record. Note that actual business records (actually, most of them) may not have every field present.

Field NameExample Value (in JSON)Description
address"address": "3382 30th St"The physical street address for this business location.
Field type: text
categories"categories": [ "Seafood Restaurant", "Fish & Seafood Retail", "restaurant" "thing" ]A list of category keywords used for this business across multiple sources.
Field type: text
city"city": "San Diego"The city of this business location.
Field type: text
claimed"claimed": [ "", "" ]A list of websites where the business location has been claimed by the business' owner.
Field type: keyword
country"country": "US"The two-letter country code for the business location's country.
Field type: text
cuisines"cuisines": [ "Seafood Restaurants", "Sandwich Shop", "Seafood, Vegetarian / Vegan, Mediterranean" ]A list of cuisines offered by this business location. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations.
Field type: text
dateAdded"dateAdded": "2016-03-24T09:27:02Z"The date this business was first added to the business database.
Field type: date
dateUpdated"dateUpdated": "2017-03-20T20:45:49Z"The most recent date this business was updated or seen by our system.
Field type: date
descriptions"descriptions": [ { "dateSeen": "2016-06-18T01:17:41Z", "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "Sizable made-to-order sandwiches, including lobster rolls, meatball Parmesan heroes and a variety of vegetarian options, are served at this East Coast–style sandwich shop nestled in the heart of North Park." } ]A list of descriptions for this business from various sources. Each description contains:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: The date when this description has been seen for this business.
Field type: date

sourceURLs: A list of source URLs where this specific description was seen.
Field type: keyword

value: A unique description for this business.
Field type: text
domains"domains": [ "", "", "" ]A list of each unique domain found in the sourceURLs field.
Field type: domain
emails"emails": [ "" ]A list of emails belonging to the business.
Field type: text
facebookPageURL"facebookPageURL": ""A URL pointing to the Facebook page for the business.
Field type: text
faxes"faxes": [ "3135619486" ]A list of fax numbers for the business.
Field type: text
features"features": [ { "key": "attire", "value": [ "Casual Dress" ] }, { "key": "parking", "replace": "true", "value": [ "Street Parking", "Valet" ] } ]A list of features associated with this business location. The feature list can be collected from specific feature sections available on listings for this business. It can also serve as a catch-all field for miscellaneous characteristics of this business that don't make sense to include as top-level fields.
Field type: nested

Each feature contains:
key: A label for this feature.
Field type: text

replace: Flag indicating value field is replaced versus appended.
Field type: boolean

value: A list of possible values for this feature.
Field type: text
geoLocation"geoLocation": "POINT (-119.5094 37.229366)"A location value that stores the latitude and longitude in a format that allows geospatial querying.
Field type: geo_shape

The value is stored as Well-Known Text format, which resembles an (x, y) value, i.e. (longitude latitude).
hours"hours": [ { "day": "Mon - Fri", "dept": "Sales", "hour": "11:00 am - 9:00 pm" }, { "day": "Sat - Sun", "meal": "Brunch", "hour": "11:00 am - 10:00 pm" }, ]The hours of operation for this business location.
Field type: nested

Each hour object may contain:
day: The day(s) for this hour of operation.
Field type: text

dept: The department or business unit related to this hour of operation.
Field type: text

meal: The mealtime associated with these hours. Typically reserved for restaurant locations.
Field type: text
hour: The hours of operation.
Field type: text
imageURLs"imageURLs": [ "", "", ]A list of image URLs associated with this business.
Field type: text
isClosed"isClosed": "false"A true or false value for whether or not the business location is closed.
Field type: boolean
keys"keys": [ "us/ca/sandiego/338230thst/2075732923" ]A list of internal Datafiniti identifiers for this business. The keys field is used to merge raw data from individual sources into the master Datafiniti record. Learn how this works
Field type: keyword
languagesSpoken"languagesSpoken: [ "English", "Spanish" ]A list of the languages spoken at this business.
Field type: text
latitude"latitude": "32.740654"The latitude coordinates for this business location.
Field type: text
longitude"longitude": "-117.129482"The longitude coordinates for this business location.
Field type: text
menuPageURL"menuPageURL": ""A URL pointing to the menu for the business. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations.
Field type: keyword
menus"menus": [ { "amountMin": 12, "amountMax": 12, "category": "sample menu", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": "2017-03-22T01:03:56Z", "name": "Fish Carpaccio", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] }, { "amountMin": 7, "amountMax": 7, "category": "sample menu", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2017-03-22T01:03:56Z" ], "description": "A dense bread pudding recipe served cold with butterscotch sauce", "name": "Seasonal Pumpkin Bread Pudding", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] } ]A list of menu items offered by the business. This field will only show for restaurants or other eating locations.
Field type: nested

Each menu item may include:
amountMin: The minimum price value of the item.
Field type: float
amountMax: The maximum price value of the item. This is typically the same as amountMin, except in cases where a price range is listed.
Field type: float
category: The menu section this item belongs to.
Field type: text
currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.
Field type: keyword
dateSeen: The date when this item was seen.
Field type: date
description: A description for the item.
Field type: text
name: The item's name on the menu.
Field type: text
sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this item was seen.
Field type: keyword
name"name": "Pete's Seafood & Sandwich"The business location's name.
Field type: text
neighborhoods"neighborhoods": [ "North Park, Western San Diego", "North Park" ]A list of neighborhoods where this business is located. Sometimes an area can belong to multiple neighborhoods, which is why this field is a list.
Field type: text
numEmployeesMin"numEmployeesMin": "5"The lower bound on the number of people possibly employed by this business.
Field type: integer
numEmployeesMax"numEmployeesMax": "10"The upper bound on the number of people employed by this business.
Field type: integer
numRoom"numRoom": 10The number of rooms available at this business. This field typically shows for hotels or other similar businesses.
Field type: integer
paymentTypes"paymentTypes":[ "American Express", "Mastercard", "Visa" ]A list of payment options accepted by the business.
Field type: text
people"people": [ { "dateSeen": "2014-08-22T03:48:23Z", "name": "Cody Jones", "title": "Owner" }, { "dateSeen": [ "2014-08-22T03:48:23Z" ], "name": "Chaseee Ewing", "title": "Head Chef" } ]A list of known people associated with or employed by this business.
Field type: nested

Each person may contain:
dateSeen: The date when this person was last seen.
Field type: date

email: The person's email.
Field type: text

name: The person's name.
Field type: text

title: The person's title.
Field type: text
phones"phones": [ "6192558940", "6195734102" ]A list of phone numbers for the business.
Field type: keyword
postalCode"postalCode": "92014"The postal or zip code of the business' location.
Field type: keyword
priceRangeCurrency"priceRangeCurrency": "USD"The currency associated with the price range fields.
Field type: keyword
priceRangeMin"priceRangeMin": 25The lower bound of the business' price range. This field is typically used for retail businesses.
Field type: float
priceRangeMax"priceRangeMax": 40The upper bound of the business' price range. This field is typically used for retail businesses.
Field type: float
primaryCategories"primaryCategories": [ "Retail" ]A list of standardized categories to which this business belongs. Category values can be found here.
Field type: text
productsOrServices"productsOrServices": [ "Food", "Catering" ]A list of products or services offered by this business.
Field type: text
province"province": "CA"The province or state for this business location.
Field type: text
revenueCurrency"revenueCurrency": "USD"The currency associated with the revenue fields.
Field type: keyword
revenueMin"revenueMin": 30000The minimum known value of the business' annual revenue.
Field type: integer
revenueMax"revenueMax": 100000The maximum known value of the business' annual revenue.
Field type: integer
reviews`"reviews": [
"date": "2016-02-27T00:00:00Z",
"dateSeen": "2016-05-17T00:00:00Z",
"sourceURLs": [
"text": "best fried ipswich clams in san diego! large portions- not just the 6-8 clams you get at other local eateries. great service! i will be back!",
"username": "Colleen Alarcon"
"date": "2016-02-15T00:00:00Z",
"dateSeen": [
"sourceURLs": [

"text": "the lobster roll is simply amazing!!!",
"username": "P. Chunyi Hsu"
A list of reviews for this business location.
Field type: nested

Review objects may contain:
date: The date the review was posted.
Field type: date

dateSeen: The date when the review was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

doRecommend: A true/false for whether or not the reviewer recommends the product.
Field type: boolean

id: The website ID associated with this review.
Field type: keyword

rating: A 1 to 5 star value for the review.
Field type: double

sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this review was seen.
Field type: keyword

text: The full (or available) text of the review.
Field type: text

title: The review's title.
Field type: text

userCity: The reviewer's city.
Field type: text

username: The reviewer's username.
Field type: text

userProvince: The reviewer's province or state.
Field type: text
rooms"rooms": [ { "amountMin": 90, "amountMax": 90, "capacity": 3, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-04T00:00:00Z" ], "roomType": "Standard Room" }, { "amountMin": 119, "amountMax": 119, "capacity": 4, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-04T00:00:00Z" ], "roomType": "Superior Room" } ]A list of room types available at the business' location. This field is typically associated with hotels and other similar businesses.
Field type: nested

Room objects may contain:
amountMin: The minimum price value listed for the room.
Field type: text

_ amountMax: The maximum price value listed.
Field type: text

capacity: The maximum number of people that can occupy this room.
Field type: text

currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.
Field type: text

dateSeen: A list of dates when this room was seen.
Field type: text

roomType: A classification for the type of room.
Field type: text
sic"sic": "5610"The SIC code for the business. Learn more about SIC codes.
Field type: text
sourceURLs"sourceURLs": [ "", "", "", ]A list of URLs used to generate data for this business location.
Field type: keyword
twitter"twitter": "sdpark2park"The twitter username for the business.
Field type: text
websites"websites": [ "", "" ]A list of websites for the business.
Field type: keyword
yearIncorporated"yearIncorporated": 2004 The year the business was incorporated.
Field type: integer
yearOpened"yearOpened": 2005The year the business opened.
Field type: integer