Product Data Schema
The product data schema below lists all available fields in a product record. Note that actual product records (actually, most of them) may not have every field present.
Field Name | Example Value (in JSON) | Description |
asins | "asins": "B0009XCFRE" | The ASIN (Amazon identifier) used for this product. Field type: keyword |
brand | "brand": "Sumsung Electronics" | The brand name of this product as presented by the data source. Field type: text |
categories | "categories": [ "Home Improvement", "Heating, Cooling, & Air Quality", "Heaters", "Propane Heaters" ] | A list of category keywords used for this product across multiple sources. Field type: text |
canonicalBrand | "canonicalBrand": "Sumsung" | The canonical brand name after normalization of the name from the source. Field type: text |
colors | "colors": [ "White", "Black" ] | A list of colors available for this product. Field type: text |
count | "count": "30" | The number of units included in the product packaging. Can include a description of the unit. Field type: keyword |
dateAdded | "dateAdded": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z" | The date this product was first added to the product database. Field type: date |
dateUpdated | "dateUpdated": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z" | The most recent date this product was updated or seen by our system. Field type: date |
descriptions | "descriptions": [ { "dateSeen": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z", "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "Now you can enjoy cooking your favorite food." }, { "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "The Worthington Pro Grade 20 lb. Empty Propane Tank goes with your gas barbecue grill (sold separately) and accommodates 4.7 gallons of gas." } ] | A list of descriptions for this product from various sources. Each description contains: Field type: nested dateSeen : The date when this description has been seen selling this product.Field type: date sourceURLs : A list of source URLs where this specific description was seen.Field type: keyword value : A unique description for this product.Field type: text |
dimension | "dimension": "23 in x 43.7 in x 30 in", "dimension": "16 ft x 22 ft", "dimension": "15 mm x 42 mm x 34 mm" | The length, width, and height of this product. Units included. Field type: keyword Dimensions Normalization |
domains | "domains": [ "", "" ] | A list of each unique domain found in the sourceURLs field.Field type: domain |
ean | "ean": [ "0014045125963", "0014045125965" ] | The EAN codes for this product. There may be more than one EAN in the list when a product has multiple variations, each using a different EAN. Learn more about EANs. Field type: keyword |
ean13 | "ean13":"0014045125963" | The EAN-13 code for this product. Learn more about EANs. Field type: keyword |
ean8 | "ean8":"96385074" | The EAN-8 code for this product. Learn more about EANs. Field type: keyword |
features | "features": [ { "key": "Count", "replace": "true", "value": [ "1" ] }, { "key": "Included", "value": [ "Batteries" ] } ] | A list of features associated with this product. The feature list can be collected from specific feature sections available on product listings for the product. It can also serve as a catch-all field for miscellaneous characteristics of this product that don't make sense to include as top-level fields. Field type: nested Each feature contains: key : A label for this feature.Field type: text replace : Flag indicating value field is replaced versus appended.Field type: boolean value : A list of possible values for this feature.Field type: text |
financingAndLeasing | "financingAndLeasing": [ { "additionalDetails": [ "acquisitionFee: $925", "mileOverageFee: $0.30/mile" ], "apr": 4.15, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2018-09-20T04:00:00Z" ], "description": "Well equipped with features", "disclaimers": "Offer not valid in Puerto Rico. Lease financing available", "dueAtSigningMax": 7694, "dueAtSigningMin": 7694, "milesPerYear": 22500, "monthlyPaymentMax": 1269, "monthlyPaymentMin": 1269, "name": "2018 Civic Si Coupe 6 Speed Manual Featured Special Lease", "offerStartDate": "2018-10-31T00:00:00.000Z", "offerEndDate": "2018-09-05T00:00:00.000Z", "term": "36 months", "type": "leasing", "securityDepositMax": 0, "securityDepositMin": 0, "sourceURLs": [ ] } ] | A list of financing or leasing terms associated with this product. Each term may contain: Field type: text additionalDetails : Any additional information related to this term.Field type: text apr : The annual percentage rate.Field type: text currency : The currency listed for any monetary values.Field type: keyword dateSeen : A list of dates when this term was seen.Field type: date description : The description provided for this term.Field type: text disclaimers : Any disclaimers associated with this term.Field type: text dueAtSigningMax : The maximum monetary amount due when purchasing this product under this term.Field type: float dueAtSigningMin : The minimum monetary amount due when purchasing this product under this term.Field type: float milesPerYear : Usually associated with vehicles, the maximum mileage allowed under this term.Field type: float monthlyPaymentMax : The maximum amount due each month under this term.Field type: float monthlyPaymentMin : The minimum amount due each month under this term.Field type: float name : The name for this term.Field type: text type : Either financing or leasing .Field type: keyword securityDepositMax : The maximum security deposit for this term.Field type: float securityDepositMin : The minimum security deposit for this term.Field type: float sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this term was seen.Field type: keyword |
flavors | "flavors": [ "Fruit Punch", "Berry", "Grape" ] | A list of flavors available for this product. Field type: text |
gtins | "gtins": [ "0014045125963", "0014045125965", "014045125963", "014045125961", "425261", "3882215542" ] | A list of all Global Trade Identifier Numbers for this product. Values will include all ean, isbn, and upc values. Learn more about GTINs. Field type: keyword |
imageURLs | "imageURLs": [ "" ] | A list of image URLs for this product. Field type: keyword |
isbn | "isbn": "3882215542" | The ISBN code for this product. Learn more about ISBNs. Field type: keyword |
keys | "keys": [ "014045125963", "0014045125963", "worthington/299581" ] | A list of internal Datafiniti identifiers for this product. The keys field is used to merge raw data from individual sources into the master Datafiniti record. Learn how this worksField type: keyword |
manufacturer | "manufacturer": "Worthington" | The manufacturer of this product. Field type: text |
manufacturerNumber | "manufacturerNumber": "299581" | The manufacturer or model number of this product. Field type: keyword |
merchants | "merchants": [ { "address": "2801 S Ih 35", "availability": "...", "city": "Austin", "country": "US", "dateSeen": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z", "isPrivateSeller": false "name": "Zappysales", "phone": "5127131234", "postalCode": "78701", "province": "TX" }, { "dateSeen": [ "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z" ], "name": "Next Day Mro, Llc" } ] | A list of merchants selling this product. These are typically third-party merchants found on e-commerce websites. Field type: nested Merchant objects can contain: address : The merchant's physical address.Field type: text availability : A description of the product's availability with this merchant.Field type: keyword city : The merchant's city.Field type: text dateSeen : The date when this merchant has been seen selling this product.Field type: date isPrivateSeller : True if the merchant is an individual. False if it's a company.Field type: boolean name : The merchant's name.Field type: text phone : The merchant's phone number.Field type: keyword postalCode : The merchant's postal or zip code.Field type: text province : The merchant's province or state.Field type: text |
mostRecentPriceAmount | "mostRecentPriceAmount": 85 | The product's most recent price amount scraped. Field type: float |
mostRecentPriceAvailability | "mostRecentPriceAvailability": "true" | The product's most recent price availability scraped. Field type: text |
mostRecentPriceByDomain | "mostRecentPriceByDomain": [ { "amount": 79.95, "availability": "true", "currency": "USD", "isSale": "true", "domain": "", "sourceURL": "", "date": "2022-03-29T16:43:23.440Z", "firstDateSeen": "2022-03-29T16:59:38.617Z" ], }, { "amount": 89.95, "availability": "true", "currency": "USD", "isSale": "false", "domain": "", "sourceURL": "", "date": "2022-03-29T16:40:43.440Z" } ] | A list of Prices of this product by each domain source. These are typically third-party merchants found on e-commerce websites. Field type: nested amount : The price amount of the product by this domain.Field type: text availability : A true or false if this product is available at this price.Field type: keyword currency : The currency listed for amount.Field type: text color : The color associated with this price.Field type: keyword condition : The condition of the product when being sold at this price.Field type: keyword date : The date when this price was seen.Field type: date domain : The domain sourceURL of the product's priceField type: domain firstDateSeen : the date of when the record was first scraped by DatafinitiField Type: date isSale : A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price.Field type: boolean size : The size associated with this price.Field type: text sourceURLs : A list of URLs |
mostRecentPriceColor | "mostRecentPriceColor": "Torrid - coral with shimmer" | The most recent color(s) available for this product. Field type: text |
mostRecentPriceCondition | "condition": "Used", | The condition most recently scrape of the product when being sold at this price. Field type: keyword |
mostRecentPriceCurrency | "mostRecentPriceCurrency": "USD" | The currency listed for mostRecentPriceAmount. Field type: text |
mostRecentPriceDate | "mostRecentPriceDate": "2022-03-29T19:26:49.157Z" | The most recent price date of the product record. Field type: date |
mostRecentPriceDomain | "mostRecentPriceDomain": "" | The domain of the most recent price scraped by Datafiniti Field type: domain |
mostRecentPriceIsSale | "mostRecentPriceIsSale": "true" | A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price. Field type: boolean |
mostRecentPriceSize | "mostRecentPriceSize": "M" | The size associated with this mostRecentPrice. Field type: text |
mostRecentPriceSourceURL | "mostRecentPriceSourceURL": "" | The most recent URL used to generate data for this product. Field type: keyword |
name | "name": "Worthington 20-lb Tank" | The product's name. Field type: text |
prices | "prices": [ { "amountMin": 59.96, "amountMax": 59.96, "availability": "true", "color": "Red", "condition": "New", "count": "15", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-06-10T00:00:00Z" ], "flavor": "Cherry", "isSale": "false", "isSold": "false", "merchant": "", "offer": "22% off", "returnPolicy": "90-Day", "shipping": "FREE shipping", "size": "S", "sourceURLs": [ "", "warranty": "..." ] }, { "amountMin": 62.06, "amountMax": 72.06, "condition": "new", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-10-28T00:00:00Z" ], "merchant": "MRO -", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] } ] | A list of prices for this product. Field type: nested Price objects may contain: amountMin : The minimum price value listed.Field type: float amountMax : The maximum price value listed. This is typically the same as amountMin, except in cases where a price range is listed.Field type: float availability : A true or false if this product is available at this price.Field type: keyword color : The color associated with this price.Field type: keyword condition : The condition of the product when being sold at this price.Field type: keyword count : The number of units being sold at this price.Field type: keyword currency : The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.Field type: text dateSeen : A list of dates when this price was seen.Field type: date flavor : The flavor associated with this price.Field type: keyword isSale : A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price.Field type: boolean isSold : A true/flase for whether or not the product has been sold at this price (typically reserved for vehicle listings).Field type: boolean merchant : The merchant and/or website selling at this price.Field type: keyword offer : Any special offer associated with this price.Field type: text returnPolicy : The return policy associated with this price.Field type: text shipping : The shipping terms associated with this price.Field type: text size : The size associated with this price.Field type: text sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this price was seen.Field type: keyword warranty : The warranty associated with this price.Field type: text |
primaryCategories | "primaryCategories": [ "Electronics" ] | A list of standardized categories to which this product belongs. Category values can be found here. Field type: text |
primaryImageURLs | "primaryImageURLs: [ "" "" ] | A list of URLs for the primary images taken from each domain sourced in this record. This list will only contain 1 URL per domain. Field type: keyword |
quantities | "quantities": [ { "dateSeen": [ "2013-06-02T16:00:00Z", "2014-05-01T14:00:00Z" ], "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": 20 } ] | A list of available quantities for this product. Quantities indicate how many units of the product are available from a specific source at a given time. Field type: nested Quantity objects may contain: dateSeen : A list of dates when this quantity was seen.Field type: date sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this quantity was seen.Field type: keyword value : The actual quantity value.Field type: text |
reviews | "reviews": [ { "date": "2015-06-16T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": "2016-05-15T00:00:00Z", "didPurchase": true, "doRecommend": true, "id": "1234" "numHelpful": 4, "rating": 4, "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "Nice tank at a below average cost for propane tanks.", "title": "Solid Propane Tank", "userCity": "...", "username": "Cole33", "userProvince": "..." }, { "date": "2015-01-06T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-15T00:00:00Z" ], "rating": 5, "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "Holds propane and does not leak. Completed the given gift.", "title": "tanked", "username": "joel01" } ] | A list of reviews for this product. Field type: nested Review objects may contain: date : The date the review was posted.Field type: date dateSeen : The date when the review was seen by Datafiniti.Field type: date didPurchase : A true/false for whether or not the reviewer did purchase the product.Field type: boolean doRecommend : A true/false for whether or not the reviewer recommends the product.Field type: boolean id : The website ID associated with this review.Field type: keyword numHelpful : The number of people that found this review helpful.Field type: integer rating : A 1 to 5 start value for the review.Field type: float sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this review was seen.Field type: keyword text : The full (or available) text of the review.Field type: text title : The review's title.Field type: text userCity : The reviewer's city.Field type: text username : The reviewer's username.Field type: text userProvince : The reviewer's province or state.Field type: text |
sdsURLs | "sdsURLs": [ " /pdfImages/8c/8c72c7b4-1d29-41a3-b8ba-43699e42d44b.pdf" ] | A list of URLs that lead to SDS for the given record. Field type: keyword |
secondaryCategories | "secondaryCategories": [ "Cell Phones" ] | A list of second level standardized categories to which this product belongs. Field type: text |
sizes | "sizes": [ "Large", "Medium", "Small" ] | A list of sizes available for this product. Field type: text |
skus | "skus": [ { "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "1234XK6" } ] | A list of SKUs for this product. SKUs are typically specific to individual retailers or websites. Field type: nested SKU objects may contain: _ sourceURLs : A list of URLs where this SKU was seen.Field type: keyword value : The actual SKU.Field type: text |
sourceURLs | "sourceURLs": [ ", "" ] | A list of URLs used to generate data for this product. Field type: keyword |
stockNum | "stockNum":"15365711" | The stock number that corresponds to a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomy | "taxonomy" : [ "automotive > motorcycle & powersports > parts > wheels & tires > tires & accessories > tires & inner tubes > motorcycle & scooter > motorcycle > street" ] | Hierarchical classification(s) of a product. Field type: taxonomy |
taxonomyLevel1 | "taxonomyLevel1" : [ "automotive" ] | Top level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel2 | "taxonomyLevel2" : [ "motorcycle & powersports" ] | Second level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel3 | "taxonomyLevel3" : [ "parts" ] | Third level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel4 | "taxonomyLevel4" : [ "wheels & tires" ] | Fourth level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel5 | "taxonomyLevel5" : [ "tires & accessories" ] | Fifth level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel6 | "taxonomyLevel6" : [ "tires & inner tubes" ] | Sixth level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel7 | "taxonomyLevel7" : [ "motorcycle & scooter" ] | Seventh level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel8 | "taxonomyLevel8" : [ "motorcycle" ] | Eighth level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
taxonomyLevel9 | "taxonomyLevel9" : [ "street" ] | Ninth level classification of a product. Field type: keyword |
upc | "upc": [ "014045125963", "014045125961" ] | The UPC code for this product. There may be more than one UPC in the list when a product has multiple variations, each using a different UPC. Learn more about UPCs. Field type: keyword |
upca | "upca":"014045125963" | The UPC-A code for this product. Learn more about UPCs. Field type: keyword |
upce | "upce":"425261" | The UPC-E code for this product. Learn more about UPCs. Field type: keyword |
vin | "vin": "1FTMF1ET8EFB00361" | The VIN code for this product. This is specific to car listings. Learn more about VINs. Field type: keyword |
websiteIDs | "websiteIDs": [ "", "" ] | A list of website IDs for this product. Website IDs are tied to a specific online retailer. They are the unique identifier used by website. They are used by Datafiniti when other unique identifiers are not available for a product. Field type: keyword |
weight | "weight": "20 lbs" | The weight of the product. Units included. Field type: text |
Updated 4 months ago