Product Data Schema

The product data schema below lists all available fields in a product record. Note that actual product records (actually, most of them) may not have every field present.

Field NameExample Value (in JSON)Description
asins"asins": "B0009XCFRE"The ASIN (Amazon identifier) used for this product.
Field type: keyword
brand"brand": "Sumsung Electronics"The brand name of this product as presented by the data source.
Field type: text
categories"categories": [ "Home Improvement", "Heating, Cooling, & Air Quality", "Heaters", "Propane Heaters" ]A list of category keywords used for this product across multiple sources.
Field type: text
canonicalBrand"canonicalBrand": "Sumsung"The canonical brand name after normalization of the name from the source.
Field type: text
colors"colors": [ "White", "Black" ]A list of colors available for this product.
Field type: text
count"count": "30"The number of units included in the product packaging. Can include a description of the unit.
Field type: keyword
dateAdded"dateAdded": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z"The date this product was first added to the product database.
Field type: date
dateUpdated"dateUpdated": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z"The most recent date this product was updated or seen by our system.
Field type: date
descriptions"descriptions": [ { "dateSeen": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z", "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "Now you can enjoy cooking your favorite food." }, { "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "The Worthington Pro Grade 20 lb. Empty Propane Tank goes with your gas barbecue grill (sold separately) and accommodates 4.7 gallons of gas." } ]A list of descriptions for this product from various sources. Each description contains:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: The date when this description has been seen selling this product.
Field type: date

sourceURLs: A list of source URLs where this specific description was seen.
Field type: keyword

value: A unique description for this product.
Field type: text
dimension"dimension": "23 in x 43.7 in x 30 in",
"dimension": "16 ft x 22 ft",
"dimension": "15 mm x 42 mm x 34 mm"
The length, width, and height of this product. Units included.
Field type: keyword
Dimensions Normalization
domains"domains": [ "", "" ]A list of each unique domain found in the sourceURLs field.
Field type: domain
ean"ean": [ "0014045125963", "0014045125965" ]The EAN codes for this product. There may be more than one EAN in the list when a product has multiple variations,
each using a different EAN.
Learn more about EANs.
Field type: keyword
ean13"ean13":"0014045125963"The EAN-13 code for this product. Learn more about EANs.
Field type: keyword
ean8"ean8":"96385074"The EAN-8 code for this product. Learn more about EANs.
Field type: keyword
features"features": [ { "key": "Count", "replace": "true", "value": [ "1" ] }, { "key": "Included", "value": [ "Batteries" ] } ]A list of features associated with this product. The feature list can be collected from specific feature sections available on product listings for the product. It can also serve as a catch-all field for miscellaneous characteristics of this product that don't make sense to include as top-level fields.
Field type: nested

Each feature contains:
key: A label for this feature.
Field type: text

replace: Flag indicating value field is replaced versus appended.
Field type: boolean

value: A list of possible values for this feature.
Field type: text
financingAndLeasing"financingAndLeasing": [ { "additionalDetails": [ "acquisitionFee: $925", "mileOverageFee: $0.30/mile" ], "apr": 4.15, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2018-09-20T04:00:00Z" ], "description": "Well equipped with features", "disclaimers": "Offer not valid in Puerto Rico. Lease financing available", "dueAtSigningMax": 7694, "dueAtSigningMin": 7694, "milesPerYear": 22500, "monthlyPaymentMax": 1269, "monthlyPaymentMin": 1269, "name": "2018 Civic Si Coupe 6 Speed Manual Featured Special Lease", "offerStartDate": "2018-10-31T00:00:00.000Z", "offerEndDate": "2018-09-05T00:00:00.000Z", "term": "36 months", "type": "leasing", "securityDepositMax": 0, "securityDepositMin": 0, "sourceURLs": [ ] } ]A list of financing or leasing terms associated with this product. Each term may contain:
Field type: text

additionalDetails: Any additional information related to this term.
Field type: text

apr: The annual percentage rate.
Field type: text

currency: The currency listed for any monetary values.
Field type: keyword

dateSeen: A list of dates when this term was seen.
Field type: date

description: The description provided for this term.
Field type: text

disclaimers: Any disclaimers associated with this term.
Field type: text

dueAtSigningMax: The maximum monetary amount due when purchasing this product under this term.
Field type: float

dueAtSigningMin: The minimum monetary amount due when purchasing this product under this term.
Field type: float

milesPerYear: Usually associated with vehicles, the maximum mileage allowed under this term.
Field type: float

monthlyPaymentMax: The maximum amount due each month under this term.
Field type: float

monthlyPaymentMin: The minimum amount due each month under this term.
Field type: float

name: The name for this term.
Field type: text

type: Either financing or leasing.
Field type: keyword

securityDepositMax: The maximum security deposit for this term.
Field type: float

securityDepositMin: The minimum security deposit for this term.
Field type: float

sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this term was seen.
Field type: keyword
flavors"flavors": [ "Fruit Punch", "Berry", "Grape" ]A list of flavors available for this product.
Field type: text
gtins"gtins": [ "0014045125963", "0014045125965", "014045125963", "014045125961", "425261", "3882215542" ]A list of all Global Trade Identifier Numbers for this product. Values will include all ean, isbn, and upc values.
Learn more about GTINs.
Field type: keyword
imageURLs"imageURLs": [ "" ]A list of image URLs for this product.
Field type: keyword
isbn"isbn": "3882215542"The ISBN code for this product. Learn more about ISBNs.
Field type: keyword
keys"keys": [ "014045125963", "0014045125963", "worthington/299581" ]A list of internal Datafiniti identifiers for this product. The keys field is used to merge raw data from individual sources into the master Datafiniti record. Learn how this works
Field type: keyword
manufacturer"manufacturer": "Worthington"The manufacturer of this product.
Field type: text
manufacturerNumber"manufacturerNumber": "299581"The manufacturer or model number of this product.
Field type: keyword
merchants"merchants": [ { "address": "2801 S Ih 35", "availability": "...", "city": "Austin", "country": "US", "dateSeen": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z", "isPrivateSeller": false "name": "Zappysales", "phone": "5127131234", "postalCode": "78701", "province": "TX" }, { "dateSeen": [ "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z" ], "name": "Next Day Mro, Llc" } ]A list of merchants selling this product. These are typically third-party merchants found on e-commerce websites.
Field type: nested

Merchant objects can contain:
address: The merchant's physical address.
Field type: text

availability: A description of the product's availability with this merchant.
Field type: keyword

city: The merchant's city.
Field type: text

dateSeen: The date when this merchant has been seen selling this product.
Field type: date

isPrivateSeller: True if the merchant is an individual. False if it's a company.
Field type: boolean

name: The merchant's name.
Field type: text

phone: The merchant's phone number.
Field type: keyword

postalCode: The merchant's postal or zip code.
Field type: text

province: The merchant's province or state.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceAmount"mostRecentPriceAmount": 85The product's most recent price amount scraped.
Field type: float
mostRecentPriceAvailability"mostRecentPriceAvailability": "true"The product's most recent price availability scraped.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceByDomain"mostRecentPriceByDomain": [ { "amount": 79.95, "availability": "true", "currency": "USD", "isSale": "true", "domain": "", "sourceURL": "", "date": "2022-03-29T16:43:23.440Z", "firstDateSeen": "2022-03-29T16:59:38.617Z" ], }, { "amount": 89.95, "availability": "true", "currency": "USD", "isSale": "false", "domain": "", "sourceURL": "", "date": "2022-03-29T16:40:43.440Z" } ]A list of Prices of this product by each domain source. These are typically third-party merchants found on e-commerce websites.
Field type: nested

amount: The price amount of the product by this domain.
Field type: text

availability: A true or false if this product is available at this price.
Field type: keyword

currency: The currency listed for amount.
Field type: text

color: The color associated with this price.
Field type: keyword

condition: The condition of the product when being sold at this price.
Field type: keyword

date: The date when this price was seen.
Field type: date

domain: The domain sourceURL of the product's price
Field type: domain

firstDateSeen: the date of when the record was first scraped by Datafiniti
Field Type: date

isSale: A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price.
Field type: boolean

size: The size associated with this price.
Field type: text

sourceURLs: A list of URLs
mostRecentPriceColor"mostRecentPriceColor": "Torrid - coral with shimmer"The most recent color(s) available for this product.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceCondition"condition": "Used",The condition most recently scrape of the product when being sold at this price.
Field type: keyword
mostRecentPriceCurrency"mostRecentPriceCurrency": "USD"The currency listed for mostRecentPriceAmount.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceDate"mostRecentPriceDate": "2022-03-29T19:26:49.157Z"The most recent price date of the product record.
Field type: date
mostRecentPriceDomain"mostRecentPriceDomain": ""The domain of the most recent price scraped by Datafiniti
Field type: domain
mostRecentPriceIsSale"mostRecentPriceIsSale": "true"A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price.
Field type: boolean
mostRecentPriceSize"mostRecentPriceSize": "M"The size associated with this mostRecentPrice.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceSourceURL"mostRecentPriceSourceURL": ""The most recent URL used to generate data for this product.
Field type: keyword
name"name": "Worthington 20-lb Tank"The product's name.
Field type: text
prices"prices": [ { "amountMin": 59.96, "amountMax": 59.96, "availability": "true", "color": "Red", "condition": "New", "count": "15", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-06-10T00:00:00Z" ], "flavor": "Cherry", "isSale": "false", "isSold": "false", "merchant": "", "offer": "22% off", "returnPolicy": "90-Day", "shipping": "FREE shipping", "size": "S", "sourceURLs": [ "", "warranty": "..." ] }, { "amountMin": 62.06, "amountMax": 72.06, "condition": "new", "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-10-28T00:00:00Z" ], "merchant": "MRO -", "sourceURLs": [ "" ] } ]A list of prices for this product.
Field type: nested

Price objects may contain:
amountMin: The minimum price value listed.
Field type: float

amountMax: The maximum price value listed. This is typically the same as amountMin, except in cases where a price range is listed.
Field type: float

availability: A true or false if this product is available at this price.
Field type: keyword

color: The color associated with this price.
Field type: keyword

condition: The condition of the product when being sold at this price.
Field type: keyword

count: The number of units being sold at this price.
Field type: keyword

currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.
Field type: text

dateSeen: A list of dates when this price was seen.
Field type: date

flavor: The flavor associated with this price.
Field type: keyword

isSale: A true/false for whether or not this price is a sale/discounted price.
Field type: boolean

isSold: A true/flase for whether or not the product has been sold at this price (typically reserved for vehicle listings).
Field type: boolean

merchant: The merchant and/or website selling at this price.
Field type: keyword

offer: Any special offer associated with this price.
Field type: text

returnPolicy: The return policy associated with this price.
Field type: text

shipping: The shipping terms associated with this price.
Field type: text

size: The size associated with this price.
Field type: text

sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this price was seen.
Field type: keyword

warranty: The warranty associated with this price.
Field type: text
primaryCategories"primaryCategories": [ "Electronics" ]A list of standardized categories to which this product belongs. Category values can be found here.
Field type: text
primaryImageURLs"primaryImageURLs: [ "" "" ]A list of URLs for the primary images taken from each domain sourced in this record. This list will only contain 1 URL per domain.
Field type: keyword
quantities"quantities": [ { "dateSeen": [ "2013-06-02T16:00:00Z", "2014-05-01T14:00:00Z" ], "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": 20 } ]A list of available quantities for this product. Quantities indicate how many units of the product are available from a specific source at a given time.
Field type: nested

Quantity objects may contain:
dateSeen: A list of dates when this quantity was seen.
Field type: date

sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this quantity was seen.
Field type: keyword

value: The actual quantity value.
Field type: text
reviews"reviews": [ { "date": "2015-06-16T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": "2016-05-15T00:00:00Z", "didPurchase": true, "doRecommend": true, "id": "1234" "numHelpful": 4, "rating": 4, "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "Nice tank at a below average cost for propane tanks.", "title": "Solid Propane Tank", "userCity": "...", "username": "Cole33", "userProvince": "..." }, { "date": "2015-01-06T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": [ "2016-05-15T00:00:00Z" ], "rating": 5, "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "text": "Holds propane and does not leak. Completed the given gift.", "title": "tanked", "username": "joel01" } ]A list of reviews for this product.
Field type: nested

Review objects may contain:
date: The date the review was posted.
Field type: date

dateSeen: The date when the review was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

didPurchase: A true/false for whether or not the reviewer did purchase the product.
Field type: boolean

doRecommend: A true/false for whether or not the reviewer recommends the product.
Field type: boolean

id: The website ID associated with this review.
Field type: keyword

numHelpful: The number of people that found this review helpful.
Field type: integer

rating: A 1 to 5 start value for the review.
Field type: float

sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this review was seen.
Field type: keyword

text: The full (or available) text of the review.
Field type: text

title: The review's title.
Field type: text

userCity: The reviewer's city.
Field type: text

username: The reviewer's username.
Field type: text

userProvince: The reviewer's province or state.
Field type: text
sdsURLs"sdsURLs": [ " /pdfImages/8c/8c72c7b4-1d29-41a3-b8ba-43699e42d44b.pdf" ]A list of URLs that lead to SDS for the given record.
Field type: keyword
secondaryCategories"secondaryCategories": [ "Cell Phones" ]A list of second level standardized categories to which this product belongs.
Field type: text
sizes"sizes": [ "Large", "Medium", "Small" ]A list of sizes available for this product.
Field type: text
skus"skus": [ { "sourceURLs": [ "" ], "value": "1234XK6" } ]A list of SKUs for this product. SKUs are typically specific to individual retailers or websites.
Field type: nested

SKU objects may contain:
_ sourceURLs: A list of URLs where this SKU was seen.
Field type: keyword

value: The actual SKU.
Field type: text
sourceURLs"sourceURLs": [ ", "" ]A list of URLs used to generate data for this product.
Field type: keyword
stockNum"stockNum":"15365711"The stock number that corresponds to a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomy"taxonomy" : [ "automotive > motorcycle & powersports > parts > wheels & tires > tires & accessories > tires & inner tubes > motorcycle & scooter > motorcycle > street" ]Hierarchical classification(s) of a product.
Field type: taxonomy
taxonomyLevel1"taxonomyLevel1" : [ "automotive" ]Top level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel2"taxonomyLevel2" : [ "motorcycle & powersports" ]Second level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel3"taxonomyLevel3" : [ "parts" ]Third level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel4"taxonomyLevel4" : [ "wheels & tires" ]Fourth level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel5"taxonomyLevel5" : [ "tires & accessories" ]Fifth level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel6"taxonomyLevel6" : [ "tires & inner tubes" ]Sixth level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel7"taxonomyLevel7" : [ "motorcycle & scooter" ]Seventh level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel8"taxonomyLevel8" : [ "motorcycle" ]Eighth level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
taxonomyLevel9"taxonomyLevel9" : [ "street" ]Ninth level classification of a product.
Field type: keyword
upc"upc": [ "014045125963", "014045125961" ]The UPC code for this product.
There may be more than one UPC in the list when a product has multiple variations,
each using a different UPC. Learn more about UPCs.
Field type: keyword
upca"upca":"014045125963"The UPC-A code for this product. Learn more about UPCs.
Field type: keyword
upce"upce":"425261"The UPC-E code for this product. Learn more about UPCs.
Field type: keyword
vin"vin": "1FTMF1ET8EFB00361"The VIN code for this product. This is specific to car listings. Learn more about VINs.
Field type: keyword
websiteIDs"websiteIDs": [ "", "" ]A list of website IDs for this product. Website IDs are tied to a specific online retailer. They are the unique identifier used by website. They are used by Datafiniti when other unique identifiers are not available for a product.
Field type: keyword
weight"weight": "20 lbs"The weight of the product. Units included.
Field type: text