Default view
The default view will display all available fields in the People Data Schema. This view will be used if you don't set the view
Included Fields
Field | Included Sub-fields |
address | N/A |
birthDate | N/A |
birthYear | N/A |
businessCategories | N/A |
businessName | N/A |
city | N/A |
country | N/A |
dateAdded | N/A |
dateUpdated | N/A |
domains | N/A |
emails | N/A |
firstName | N/A |
gender | N/A |
interests | N/A |
jobFunction | N/A |
jobLevel | N/A |
jobSkills | N/A |
jobTitle | N/A |
keys | N/A |
linkedinURL | N/A |
lastName | N/A |
numEmployeesMin | N/A |
numEmployeesMax | N/A |
phones | N/A |
postalCode | N/A |
personalEmails | N/A |
primaryEmail | N/A |
professionalEmails | N/A |
province | N/A |
sourceURLs | N/A |
Sample CSV Output
Right-click and choose "Save link as..." to download this sample so you can see it in Excel: people_all-CSV-example.csv
Sample JSON Output
"address": "9855 Melbourne Ave",
"city": "Allen Park",
"country": "US",
"dateAdded": "2018-02-20T00:33:45Z",
"dateUpdated": "2018-02-20T00:33:45Z",
"emails": [
"firstName": "Bill",
"keys": [
"lastName": "Mey",
"jobFunction": "Business Management",
"jobLevel": "C-Team",
"jobTitle": "CEO",
"numEmployeesMin": 1,
"numEmployeesMax": 19,
"phones": [
"postalCode": "48101",
"province": "MI",
"sourceURLs": [
"id": "AWG2azB1QH9dEUBnfEki"
Updated about 2 years ago