Property Data Schema

The property data schema below lists all available fields in a property record. Note that actual property records (actually, most of them) may not have every field present.

Field NameExample Value (in JSON)Description
absenteeOwner"absenteeOwner": [ { "absent": false, "firstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T17:17:53.270Z", "lastDateSeen": "2024-04-11T17:17:53.270Z" } ]The owner of a property who does not reside in or otherwise occupy that property.

absent: Is currently an absentee owner
Field type: boolean

firstDateSeen: Earliest date seen of the absentee owner.
Field type: date

lastDateSeen: Latest date seen of the absentee owner.
Field type: date
address"address": "7206 Walling Ln"The physical street address for this property.
Field type: text
appliances“appliances": ["Cooktop","Dryer","Dishwasher", "Microwave","Refrigerator","Washer"]The appliances included with the property.
Field Type: text
architecturalStyles“architecturalStyles": ["Ranch","Bungalow"]The architectural style of the property.
Field type: text
assessedValues"assessedValues": [ { "totalAmount": 1745400.0, "improvementsAmount": 1745400.0, "landAmount": 1745400.0, "year": 1985 } ]The assessed value of the property. Each assessed value may contain:
Field Type: nested

improvementsAmount: assessed value for improvements made to the property.
Field type: float

landAmount: assessed value for the land/lot of the property.
Field type: float

totalAmount:amount value the property is currently assessed for.
Field type: float

year: year value when the property was assessed.
Field Type: integer
brokers"brokers": [ { "agent": "Frances Zuckerman", "company": "Fillmore", "dateSeen": "2017-01-17T09:47:16Z", "emails": [ "[email protected]" ], "licenseNumber": "TREC 1233456", "licenseType": "TREC", "phones": [ "3214561234" ] } ]A list of brokers that have represented this property over time. Each broker may contain:
Field type: nested

agent: The name of the real estate agent representing this property.
Field type: text

company: The company this agent works for (or the company representing this property).
Field type: text

dateSeen: The date this agent/company was seen representing the property.
Field type: date

emails: A list of email addresses associated with the agent or company.
Field type: keyword

licenseNumber: The license number of the agent representing the property.
Field type: text

licenseType: The license Type of the agent representing the property.
Field type: text

phones: A phone number associated with the agent or company.
Field type: keyword

websites: A list of websites associated with the agent or company.
Field type: keyword

workEmail: Email address specifically associated with the business the broker works for currently.
Field type: keyword
buildingName"buildingName":"Castle Beach Club"The name of the building where this property is located. This field is specific to apartments, condos, and similar property types.
Field type: text
categories"categories": ["Single family residence", “farming”]A list of category keywords used for this property across multiple sources.
Field type: text
cbsaCode"cbsaCode": 02312The 5 digit cbsa code of the property.
Field type: string
cbsaName"cbsaName": "OXNARD-THOUSAND OAKS-VENTURA, CA METROPOLITAN"The cbsa name associated with the property.
Field type: text
censusBlock"censusBlock": 1012 The census block the property is associate to.
Field type: string
censusBlockGroup"censusBlockGroup": 4The census group the property is associated to.
Field type: string
censusTract"censusTract": 5102The census tract the property is associated to.
Field type: string
congressionalDistrictHouse"congressionalDistrictHouse":"4" congressionalDistrictHouse: District of the property.
Field type: string
city"city": "Dallas"The city where the property is located.
Field type: text
civilDivisionCode"civilDivisionCode": 4The civil division code for the property.
Field type: text
civilDivisionName"civilDivisionName": “SUMMERSVILLE”The civil division name of the property.
Field type: string
companies"companies": [ { "companies.dateSeen": 2024-01-20, "": [email protected], "companies.equity": 432000, "companies.equityPercent": 40, "companies.landline": true, "": "Bank Airport Clark", "": "+19364029634", "companies.title": "Resident" } ]A list of companies that have been seen for this property. Each company can contain:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: Date when Datafiniti seen the company's data.
Field type: date

email: Email of the company.
Field type: string

equity: Sum total of equity of the company
Field type: integer

equityPercent: the percent of equity of the company
Field type: bigDecimal

landline: True or False if a landline is found.
Field type: Boolean

name: The name of company
Field type: string

phone: the phone number of the company.
Field type: string

title: title of company in regards of the property.
Field type: string
country"country": "US"The two-letter country code for the property location's country.
Field type: text
county"county": "Hillsborough"The county of the property record.
Field type: text
countyFIPS"countyFIPS": 12057County FIPS # of the property.
Field type: integer
currentOwnerType"currentOwnerType": "Company" currentOwnerType: Current owner type of the property.
Field type: string
dateAdded"dateAdded": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z"The date this property was first added to the property database.
Field type: date
dateUpdated"dateUpdated": "2017-01-08T19:12:13Z"The most recent date this property was updated or seen by our system.
Field type: date
deposits"deposits": [ { "amount": 104, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-08-07T18:07:05Z" ], } ]A list of deposit fees that have been seen for this property. Each deposit contains:
Field type: nested

amount: The fee amount.
Field type: float

currency: The currency for the amount.
Field type: keyword

dateSeen: A list of dates this deposit fee was seen.
Field type: date
descriptions"descriptions": [ { "dateSeen": "2016-08-07T18:07:05Z", "value": "charming starter home priced to sell. full finished basement with bath and with separate entrance." } ]A list of descriptions for this property from various sources. Each description contains:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: The date when this description has been seen for this property.
Field type: date

value: A unique description for this property.
Field type: text
domains"domains": [ """ ]A list of each unique domain found in the sourceURLs field. Field type: domain
estimatedPrices"estimatedPrices": [ { "amountMax": 295000, "amountMin": 295000, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2023-10-20T16:53:37.235Z" ], "pricePerSquareFoot": 112.51 } ]A list of price estimates for the property.
Field type: nested

amountMax: The maximum price estimate value listed.
Field type: integer

amountMin: The minimum price estimate value listed.
Field type: integer

currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax
Field type: string

dateSeen: The date when this estimatedPrice was seen for this property.
Field type: date

pricePerSquareFoot: The price divide by the square footage.
Field type: float
exteriorConstruction“exteriorConstruction": ["brick","wood paneling"]A list of all the exterior construction of the property.
Field type: text
exteriorFeatures“exteriorFeatures": ["Storm Shutters","Breezeway","Pool"]The exterior features the property offers.
Field type: text
features"features": [ { "key": "Community District", "replace": "true", "value": [ "318" ] } ]A list of features associated with this property. The feature list can be collected from specific feature sections available on listings for this property. It can also serve as a catch-all field for miscellaneous characteristics of this property that don't make sense to include as top-level fields.
Field type: nested

Each feature contains:
key: A label for this feature.
Field type: text

replace: Flag indicating value field is replaced versus appended.
Field type: boolean

value: A list of possible values for this feature.
Field type: text
fees"fees": [ { "amountMax": 11, "amountMin": 11, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-08-07T18:07:05Z" ], "type": "Cleaning Fee" } ]A list of various fees that have been seen for this property. Each fee will contain:
Field type: text

amountMax: The maximum fee value listed.
Field type: float

amountMin: The minimum fee value listed.
Field type: float

currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax
Field type: keyword

dateSeen: A list of dates when this fee was seen.
Field type: date

type: A classification value for the fee.
Field type: text
floorPlans"floorPlans": [ { "name": "2x2", "type": "2 beds", "numBedrooms": 2, "numBathrooms": 2, "floorSize": "960 sqft" } ],A list of floorplans associated with the property
Field type: nested

floorSize: The floor size of the floor plan being referenced.
Field type: text

name: The name of the floor plan being referenced.
Field type: text

numBathrooms: The number of bathrooms in the floor plan.
Field type: integer

numBedrooms: The number of bedrooms in the floor plan.
Field type: integer

type: the type of floor plan classified by the property.
Field type: text
floorSizeValue"floorSizeValue": 947The size of the walkable area of the property. For apartments and condos, this is the size of the property. For homes and buildings, this is the combined size of each floor and does not include lot size.
Field type: float
floorSizeUnit"floorSizeUnit": "Sq. ft"The units of measurement for floorSize.
Field type: keyword
geoLocation"geoLocation": "POINT (-119.5094 37.229366)"A location value that stores the latitude and longitude in a format that allows geospatial querying.
Field type: geo_shape

The value is stored as Well-Known Text format, which resembles an (x, y) value, i.e. (longitude latitude).
geoQuality"geoQuality": 0The quality of the geoLocation data of the property.
Field type: integer
hvacTypes“hvacTypes": ["Cental Air","Electric","Fans"]The type / components of the HVAC system.
Field type: text
imageURLs"imageURLs": [ "" ]A list of image URLs for this property.
Field type: keyword
instrumentNumber "instrumentNumber": 3312-0576instrumentNumber: Instrument # of the property.
Field type: string
involuntaryLienJudgement"involuntaryLienJudgement": [ { "judgement": true, "lien": true, "lastDateSeen": "2024-04-11T18:37:01.751Z", "firstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T18:37:01.751Z" } ]involuntaryLienJudgement shows if a lien is set against your wishes and is the result of not fulfilling your financial obligations

firstDateSeen: first date seen on the lien of the property.
Field type: date

judgement: if a lien was set on this property.
Field type: Boolean

lien: If a lien is current owed on the property
Field type: boolean

lastDateSeen: last date seen on the lien of the property.
Field type: date
isUnit"isUnit": true,isUnit: If the property is a unit number of a complex / building
Field type: boolean
keys"keys": [ "us/ca/nhills/9411brightwoodct" ]A list of internal Datafiniti identifiers for this property. The keys field is used to merge raw data from individual sources into the master Datafiniti record.
How Property Records Are Merged
Field type: keyword
languagesSpoken"languagesSpoken: [ "French", "English" ]A list of the languages spoken at this property.
Field type: text
latitude"latitude": "32.860858"The latitude coordinates for this property.
Field type: text
leasingTerms"leasingTerms: [ { "dateSeen": "2016-07-30T20:41:01Z", "value": "12 Months" } ]A list of leasing terms that have been associated with this property. Each leasing term will contain:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: The date when this term was seen.
Field type: date

value: The leasing term description.
Field type: text
legalDescription"legalDescription": "LOT 279 OXFORD OAKS PHASE TWO PB 16 PGS 17-17D"The legal description of the property record.
Field type: text
legalRange legalRange: 08E legalRange: Legal range of the property.
Field type: string
listingName"listingName": "Antico Appartamento"The name of the property listing. This isn't the name of the building. It's a descriptive name supplied for the listing itself.
Field type: text
longitude"longitude": "-96.735808"The longitude coordinates for this property.
Field type: text
lotSizeValue"lotSizeValue": 2219The lot size for the property. This is the ground area covered by the property.
Field type: integer
lotSizeUnit"lotSizeUnit": "Sq. ft"The units of measurement for lotSize.
Field type: keyword
managedBy"managedBy": [ { "dateSeen": [ "2016-03-03T15:02:13Z" ], "value": "ROM Investments" } ]A list of companies or people that have managed this property. Each managedBy object will contain:
Field type: nested

dateSeen: A list of dates when this information was seen.
Field type: date

value: The name of the company or person.
Field type: text
mlsName"mlsName":"sovereign realty group"The mls name of the listing company/realtor
Field type: text
mlsNumber"mlsNumber": "16177277"The MLS number for the property. Learn more about MLS numbers.
Field type: keyword
mostRecentAbsenteeOwner "mostRecentAbsenteeOwner": falseThe most recent boolean value for the absentee owner.
Field type: boolean
mostRecentAbsenteeOwnerFirstDateSeen"mostRecentAbsenteeOwnerFirstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T16:57:22.605Z"The most recent first date seen of the absentee owner.
Field type: date
mostRecentBrokerAgent"mostRecentBrokerAgent": "Rackel Atkins"The most recent broker agent added to the brokers field.
Field type: text
mostRecentBrokerCompany"mostRecentBrokerCompany": "Compass Recom"The company of the most recent broker added to the broker's field.
Field type: text
mostRecentBrokerDateSeen"mostRecentBrokerDateSeen": "2023-10-23T19:20:50.418Z"The date seen of the most recent broker added to the brokers field.
Field type: text
mostRecentBrokerEmails"mostRecentBrokerEmails": [ "[email protected]" ],The email(s) of the most recent broker agent.
Field type: text
mostRecentBrokerPhones"mostRecentBrokerPhones": [ "(713) 948-6666" ],The phone number(s) of the most recent broker agent.
Field type: text
mostRecentEstimatedPriceAmount"mostRecentEstimatedPriceAmount": 95267,The most recent estimated price amount
Field type: integer
mostRecentEstimatedPriceDate"mostRecentEstimatedPriceDate": "2024-09-11T00:00:00.000Z",The most recent estimate price date
Field type: date
mostRecentEstimatedPriceDomain"mostRecentEstimatedPriceDomain":"" The most recent source domain of the estimate price
Field type: text
mostRecentEstimatedPriceSourceURL"mostRecentEstimatedPriceSourceURL":""The most recent sourceURL used for obtaining the price estimate
Field type: text
mostRecentInvoluntaryJudgement"mostRecentInvoluntaryJudgement": trueThe most recent Involuntary Lien Judgement value
Field type: boolean
mostRecentInvoluntaryLien"mostRecentInvoluntaryLien": falseThe most recent Involuntary Lien on the property value
Field type: boolean
mostRecentInvoluntaryLien JudgementFirstDateSeen"mostRecentInvoluntaryLienJudgementFirstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T18:19:19.342Z",The most recent first date seen of the Involuntary Lien.
Field type: date
mostRecentPriceAmount"mostRecentPriceAmount": 85The property's most recent price amount from our prices field. This does not include rent prices
Field type: BigDecimal
mostRecentRentalPriceAmount"mostRecentRentalPriceAmount": 1436,The property's most recent rent price amount from our prices field.
Field type: BigDecimal
mostRecentRentalPriceDate"mostRecentRentalPriceDate": "2024-09-11T00:00:00.000Z"The most recent rental price date
Field type: date
mostRecentRentalPriceDomain"mostRecentRentalPriceDomain": ""The most recent domain used for obtaining the rental price.
Field type: text
mostRecentRentalPriceFirstDateSeen"mostRecentRentalPriceFirstDateSeen": "2024-09-11T00:00:00.000Z",The most recent rental prices first seen by Datafiniti
Field type: date
mostRecentRentalPricePeriod "mostRecentRentalPricePeriod": "Per Month",The period term of the most recent rental price.
Either Per Month or Per Year
Field type: keyword
mostRecentRentalPriceSourceURL"mostRecentRentalPriceSourceURL":""The most recent source Url used for obtaining the rental price.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceCurrency"mostRecentPriceCurrency": "USD"The currency listed for mostRecentPriceAmount.
Field type: text
mostRecentPriceDomain"mostRecentPriceDomain": ""The domain of the most recent price scraped by Datafiniti
Field type: domain
mostRecentPriceDate"mostRecentPriceDate": "2022-03-29T19:26:49.157Z"The most recent price date of the property record.
Field type: date
mostRecentStatus"mostRecentStatus": "For Sale"The most recent value for statuses.type for this property. See possible values here.
Field type: keyword
mostRecentStatusDate"mostRecentStatusDate": "2017-01-10T20:12:16Z"The date of change that corresponds to the mostRecentStatus for this property.
Field type: date
mostRecentStatusFirstDateSeen"mostRecentStatusFirstDateSeen": "2021-09-09T00:00:00.000"This date corresponds to the most recent date seen of the most recent status data source.
Field type: date
mostRecentVacancy"mostRecentVacancy": false,The most recent vacancy value of the property.
Field type: boolean
mostRecentVacancyFirstDateSeen"mostRecentVacancyFirstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T16:57:22.603Z"This date corresponds to the first date seen from the source of the property listing.
Field type: date
msaCode"msaCode": 212312The msa code of the property.
Field type: string
msaName"msaName": "OXNARD-THOUSAND OAKS-VENTURA, CA METROPOLITAN"The msa name of the property.
Field type: text
neighborhoods"neighborhoods": [ "Canarsie" ]A list of neighborhoods where this property is located. Sometimes an area can belong to multiple neighborhoods, which is why this field is a list.
Field type: text
numBathroom"numBathroom": 1.25The number of bathrooms in this property. Can be a whole number (e.g. "1") or a float (e.g., 1.25).
Field type: float
numBedroom"numBedroom": 3The number of bedrooms in this property.
Field type: integer
numFloor"numFloor": 2The number of floors or stories in this property.
Field type: integer
numParkingSpaces"numParkingSpaces": 0The number of parking spots on the property.
Field type: integer
numPeople"numPeople": 6The number of people that can occupy this property.
Field type: integer
numRoom"numRoom": 2The number of rooms in this property.
Field type: integer
numUnit"numUnit": 1The number of units available in this property.
Field type: integer
ownerOccupied"ownerOccupied": trueThe true/false value of whether owner occupies the property.
Field type: boolean
ownerOccupiedStatus { "status": true, "firstDateSeen": "2023-12-01T13:35:16.399Z", "lastDateSeen": "2023-12-01T13:35:16.399Z", "startDate": "2017-07-21T00:00:00.000Z" }firstDateSeen: the first date seen by Datafiniti of owner occupancy being true
Field type: date

lastDateSeen: the last date seen by Datafiniti of owner occupancy being true
Field type: date

startDate: the lease start date seen by the leasing agency.
Field type: date

status: The true/false value of whether owner occupies the property.
Field type: boolean
parking"parking": [ "Garage" ]A list of details regarding parking at this property.
Field type: text
parkingTypes"parkingTypes": [ "Street", "Attached Garage" ],A list of parking types that pertains to the property.
Field Type: text
parcelNumbers"parcelNumbers": [ { "number": "29-29-22-12-0015", "account": "394308", "year": 1985 } ]The parcel number associated to the property.
Field type: nested

account: Account number of parcel.
Field type: string

number: Legal parcel number of the property.
Field type: string

year: Recorded year of the parcel number.
Field type: integer
paymentTypes"paymentTypes": [ "Visa" ]A list of payment options accepted by the property.
Field type: text
people"people": [ { "equity": 1065556, "equityPercent": 100, "name": "Luci Weinsein", "firstName": "Luci", "lastName": "Weinsein", "landline": true, "people_key": "luci/weinsein/1080154715", "dateSeen": "2024-04-11T16:57:22.618Z", "title": "Owner" } ]A list of known people associated with or employed by this property.
Field type: nested

Each person may contain:
dateSeen: The date when this person was seen.
Field type: date

email: The person's email.
Field type: text

equity: Sum total of equity of properties
Field type: Float

equityPercent: Percent estimated equity percentage (100 minus LTV)
Field type: Float

firstName: first name of the person
Field type: text

lastName: last name of the person
Field type: text

landline: Does the person have a landline.
Field type: Boolean

name: The person's name.
Field type: text

people_key: the corresponding key that link to Datafiniti's people data record. (contact, demographics, & more)
Field type: text

phone: The person's phone number.
Field type: text

title: The person's title.
Field type: text
permits"people.landline": "Boolean""permits": "true",permits: if there is a permit or permitting process adhere to this property.
Field type: boolean
petPolicy"petPolicy": "Pets are not allowed."The pet policy for the property.
Field type: text
phones"phones": [ "5058982700" ]A list of phone numbers for the property.
Field type: keyword
postalCode"postalCode": "75231"The postal or zip code of the property.
Field type: keyword
prices"prices": [ { "amountMax": 289000, "amountMin": 289000, "availability": "true", "comment": ""Listed by Awaye Realty Management", "currency": "USD", "date": "2017-10-21T00:00:00Z", "dateSeen": [ "2017-10-09T00:00:00Z" ], "domain": "["]("), "isSale": "false", "isSold": "false", "pricePerSquareFoot": 197, “status”: “For Sale”, }, { "amountMax": 817, "amountMin": 817, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-01-20T00:00:00Z" ], "isSale": "false", "minStay": "7 nights", "period": "Per week", } ]A list of prices for this property.
Field type: nested

Price objects may contain:
amountMin: The minimum price value listed.
Field type: float

amountMax: The maximum price value listed. This is typically the same as amountMin, except in cases where a price range is listed.
Field type: float

availability: The property's availability at this price.
Field type: keyword

comment: A note related to this price.
Field type: text

currency: The currency listed for amountMin and amountMax.
Field type: text

date: A list of date when the property was set to this price.
Field type: date

dateSeen: A list of dates when this price was seen.
Field type: date

dateValidStart: The date when this price becomes valid.
Field type: date

dateValidEnd: The date when this price is no longer valid.
Field type: date

domain: The domain of the source of the price.
Field type: text

isSale: A true/false for whether or not this is a sale price.
Field type: boolean

isSold: A true/false for whether or not this is the sold price.
Field type: boolean

minStay: The minimum length of stay required for this price.
Field type: text

period: The calendar period for which this price is valid.
Field type: text

pricePerSquareFoot: The price divide by the square footage.
Field type: float

status: The property status of the prices
Field type; string
propertyTaxes"propertyTaxes": [ { "amount": 1582, "currency": "USD", "dateSeen": [ "2016-08-09T09:34:15Z" ], "year": 2010 } ]A list of property taxes that have been seen for this property. Each property tax will include:
Field type: nested

amount: The tax amount.
Field type: float

currency: The amount's currency.
Field type: text

dateSeen: A list of dates when this tax has been seen for this property.
Field type: date

year: The year of taxable amount of the property.
Field Type: integer
propertyType"propertyType": "Condo"A classification for the property type. See possible values here.
Field type: text
province"province": "TX"The province or state for this property.
Field type: text
reviews"reviews": [ { "dateSeen": "2016-08-17T00:00:00Z", "text": "We love this place a lot!", "username": "Yuwei" } ]A list of reviews for this property.
Field type: nested

Review objects may contain:
date: The date the review was posted.
Field type: date

dateSeen: The date when the review was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

doRecommend: A true/false for whether or not the reviewer recommends the property.
Field type: boolean

rating: A 1 to 5 star value for the review.
Field type: float

text: The full (or available) text of the review.
Field type: text

title: The review's title.
Field type: text

userCity: The reviewer's city.
Field type: text

username: The reviewer's username.
Field type: text

userProvince: The reviewer's province or state.
Field type: text
roofing "roofing": ["Asphalt", “Fiberglass”]A list of materials the roof of the property is made from.
Field type: text
roomTypes“roomTypes": ["Laundry","Great","Game"]The types of rooms the property has.
Field type: text
rules"rules": [ "No smoking" ]A list of rules for living or staying at this property.
Field type: text
statuses"statuses": [ { "date": "2023-03-10T00:00:00.000Z", "dateSeen": [ "2023-07-10T06:46:31.387Z", "2023-07-01T02:58:12.456Z" ], "firstDateSeen": "2023-07-01T02:58:12.456Z", "lastDateSeen": "2023-07-10T06:46:31.387Z", "type": "Sold" } ]A list of statuses for this property. This field is used to indicate when the property is for sale, etc.
Field type: nested

Each status includes:
date: Date the status occurred
Field type: date

dateSeen: A list of dates when this status was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

firstDateSeen: the first date seen of this status was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

lastDateSeen: the latest date seen of this status was seen by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

isUnderContract: A true/false value to indicate if this status is under contract.
Field type: boolean

type: The status. See possible values here.
Field type: keyword
subdivisionsubdivision: "Crescent Heights Sub" subdivision: Subdivision / neighborhood of the property.
Field type: string
taxExemptions "taxExemptions": ["Homeowner", “Disabled”, “Senior”]A list of tax exemptions for the property.
Field type: text
taxID"taxID": "30-9011-019-0029758"The tax ID for the property.
Field type: keyword
title"title": “Single Family Residence, A-Frame - Snellville, GA”The title text of the property.
Field type: text
topographyCode"topographyCode": 150The topography code in relationship to the property.
Field type: integer
transactions "transactions": [ saleDate: 2023-01-04T12:00:00Z, firstDateSeen: 2023-01-04T12:00:00Z, lastDateSeen: 2023-01-04T12:00:00Z, documentNumber: "1HORTICULTURE, ORNAMENTAL (AGRICULTURAL)98", documentType: Warranty Deed, price: 112900.00, sellerFirstName: Anita, sellerMiddleName: Brian, sellerLastName: Powell, buyerFirstName: Ben, buyerMiddleName: Cherelle, buyerLastName: Emaline, lenderName: Ameris Bank, loanType: Conventional, loanAmount: 10725.00, mortgageTerm: 360, interestType: Adjustable, parcelNumber: 17-07-26-0-001-005.000, ownerType: Company, contactOwnerMailAddressFull: 2337 JULIAN DR, transactionID: "841789370" ]A list of transactional data for this property. This field is used to indicate when the property was purchased and by who.
Field type: nested

Each transaction includes:

buyerFirstName: First name of the buyer.
Field type: string

buyerMiddleName: Middle name of the buyer.
Field type: string

buyerLastName: Last name of the buyer.
Field type: string

contactOwnerMailAddressFull: Mailing address of the owner of the property.
Field type: string

documentNumber: the document number of the transaction.
Field type: string

documentType: Contains all documents attached in this transaction.
Field type: string

firstDateSeen: Earliest date seen from the source of the property listing by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

interestType: interest rate by the lender.
Field type: string

lastDateSeen: Latest date seen from the source of the property listing by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

lenderName: Name of the lender.
Field type: string

loanType: Type of loan for this transaction.
Field type: string

loanAmount: Loan amount by lending company.
Field type: double

mortgageTerm: Length in months of the loan.
Field type: integer

ownerType: Type of owner for transaction.
Field type: string

parcelNumber: Number parcel was created.
Field type: string

price: Price of the property for this transaction.
Field type: double

saleDate: Date the when transaction occurred
Field type: date

sellerFirstName: First name of the seller.
Field type: string

sellerMiddleName: Middle name of the seller.
Field type: string

sellerLastName: Last name of the seller.
Field type: string

transactionID: the ID value of the transaction.
Field type: string

type: the type of transaction in relation to the saleDate.
Field type: string
trustDescription"trustDescription": "Not a trust"The description of the trust information in relation to the property.
Field type: string
vacancy "vacancy": [ { "vacant": false, "lastDateSeen": "2024-04-11T16:57:22.603Z", "firstDateSeen": "2024-04-11T16:57:22.603Z" } ]The status of the vacancy of the property:

firstDateSeen: Earliest date seen from the source of the vacancy by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

lastDateSeen: Latest date seen from the source of the vacancy by Datafiniti.
Field type: date

vacant: If the property is currently vacant
Field type: boolean
websiteIDs"websiteIDs": [ "", "" ]A list of website IDs for this property. Website IDs are tied to a specific online retailer. They are the unique identifier used by website. They are used by Datafiniti when other unique identifiers are not available for a property.
Field type: keyword
yearBuilt"yearBuilt": 2021The year the property was built.
Field type: integer
zoning "zoning": “C-2PD“The zoning value for the property.
Field type: string