2024.09 - Data Release Log


We are excited to announce Datafiniti has introduced the ability to query realtor information based on state realty licenses, with new license types added for several states, including Delaware, Illinois, and Virginia. Additionally, the portal now features a keyword search function for property data and an improved "Download All" button that downloads files sequentially to reduce browser clutter.

Record Count

  • Property: 257,347,832 unique records with 14,854,774 newly added
  • Business: 134,137,718 unique records with 372,089 added
  • People: 43,524,857 unique records with 9,203,549 added
  • Products: 541,867,121 unique records with 9,055,993 newly added

Newly Added Realtor License Type

We have added the ability to query on and identify realtor information based on their state's realty license. This will allow you the ability to find all listings related to a license number or type. We have added the following Realtor License Types:

  • Delaware (DERED - Delaware Real Estate Division)
  • Illinois (IDFPR - Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation)
  • Vermont (VTREC - Vermont Real Estate Commission)
  • Wyoming (WYREC - Wyoming Real Estate Commission)
  • Virginia (VADPOR - Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation)
  • New Jersey (NJDOBI - New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance)
  • Hawaii (HDCCA - Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs)
  • Oregon (OREA - Oregon Real Estate Agency)
  • Maryland (MDMREC - Maryland Real Estate Commission)
  • Wisconsin (WIDSPS - Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services)

Portal Improvements & Fixes

We have added a new keyword search functionality to the filter list in the property data page. You can search via feature key, feature value, or descriptions. You can check it out here.

We have also made updates to how your download all button works. Now downloading one file at a time in sequential order. This will no longer clutter your browsing experience while downloading your data.

Coming Soon

Autotrace property data - new feature

We are thrilled to announce autotrace as a new feature to our property data search API. Allowing you to combine data from both people data and property data. This API call uses the regular property search endpoint with minor differences, notably the auto_trace parameter and the specific view for property records. This will allow you to directly pull property with newly added home owner contact information with one API call. To learn more about autotrace, please read here.

Auto trace property searches via the portal

This new feature will allow you to pull more detailed home owner information from our people database. This will allow you to pull people and property data via the detailed view in the property data. Stay tuned to find out more information.