2022.8 - Data Release Log


New mostRecent fields add to existing Property schema to narrow down the most recent data of a specific product field. New Property sources added via customer requests. Added Enhanced Rental Property sources to existing property records as part of a recent effort to improve what you can search for.

Record Counts

  • Business - 124,741,205
  • People - 2,996,031
  • Product - 462,906,373
  • Property - 165,429,686

Property Source Updates

Existing sources were updated due to requests from Datafiniti users.

  • Enhanced Rental Property sources we have added over 1.3 million rental / short-term rental properties since last month with the changes made to find these properties more efficiently.


  • Added Rental Detection logic to Redfin and Booking scraper.
  • Fixed Bronze account sign up bug not allowing credit card info to pass through to Datafiniti's payment system.