2022.12 - Data Release Log


New Business Source, New Property Sources focused on Commercial Canadian and Us markets, Enrichment Improvements, Product Name Normalization, and End of the year assessments on upcoming projects.

Record Counts

  • Business - 126,753,330
  • People - 2,996,031
  • Product - 489,640,662
  • Property - 171,205,068

Property Source Updates

Added CBRE.ca and CBRE.com as sources. Focused on commercial properties. Over 20000 new records added.

Business Source Updates

allmenus.com added a new business source focused on delivery and fast service restaurants.
Added Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.ca

Product Data Updates

New top-level product field added - canonicalBrand; This field is the normalized brand names from the scraped source data.
brand - now changed to be the scraped text of the product brand name.

Datafiniti API

Improved our enrichment API across all data types search functionality. Resulting in a 4.5 times increase in speed of starting and finishing an enrichment call.
We have added new logic to help find your product brands easier. Adjusting product brand names upon importing and validation.


  • Cleaned about roughly 100,000 property records that were not normalized correctly. This was cause duplicate/confusion in searches for property data.
  • Fixed logic on crawler for zoopla.co.uk. Issue found in html where we were failing to scrape data from the site.