2021.1 - Data Release Log


Our property database has come under intense scrutiny lately with performance issues. This month focused a lot on tweaking and improving that performance.

Record Counts

The following are the updated record counts for each vertical:

  • Business data increased by 0.6 million to 119.4 million
  • People data increase by 0.5 to 3 million
  • Product data increased by 5.3 million to 262.8 million
  • Property data decreased by 6.7 million to 166.7 million

New Sources

The following data types have received new sources:

  • 6 Product data sources

Schema Changes

  • Removed the following fields from the property data schema due to outdated data or no longer carried value for our customers: nearbySchools, hours, availableDates, and unavailableDates


  • Removed data from miscellaneous features field to improve property cluster performance
  • Updated 1 Business data source, 1 Product data source, and 1 Property data source