2020.1 - Data Release Log


Start of the new year, few schema changes or major fixes. New hierarchical product data is in the process of being added to our database with major changes coming soon.

Record Counts

The following are the updated record counts for each vertical:

  • Business data increased by 2.2 million to 93.5 million
  • People data increased by 1 million to 11.7 million
  • Product data increased by 3.4 million to 185.6 million
  • Property data increased by 10.1 million to 70.8 million

New Sources

The following data types have received new sources:

  • 3 Business data sources
  • 2 Property data sources

Schema Changes

  • New field, secondaryCategories has been added, with new pipelines in-progress to fill it in


  • Various SDS (safety data sheet) data has been removed from records containing such data in our features field.
  • Updated 3 Property data sources, and 1 Product data sources